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Vauxhall Movano L1 (SWB) H2 (high roof) (1999 to 2010)
also known as - Vauxhall Movano SWB high roof
Select product type below for items that fit your Vauxhall Movano L1 short wheelbase (SWB) H2 (high roof) (1999 to 2010)

Roof bars, roof racks and van specific accessories, especially ladder rollers. If we list it, it's available; if we don't, it's not! We have organised the bars into 2 bar systems, 3 bar systems, full length racks etc.

Pull a pair of AutoSock over your driving wheels for instant grip on snow and ice - it's due to friction and high-tech materials. Top performance + lowest wear rate = safety + best value.

Probably the biggest range in the UK, with the most innovative brands, and solutions for vehicles which can't take traditional chain link snow chains.

A sensible investment for those without leather seats; choose waterproof, fabric, leather, sheepskin. Most are airbag compatible; some have hidden zips to allow neat fitting around headrests and seat controls.